GMC's exclusive, time-proved 6-cylinder engine with modern 60 degree "V" type design is the greatest
advancement it truck-built gasoline engine in the last century. It's a product of GMC Truck &
Coach Division's 50 years of truck engine design experience combined with the vast resources of
General Motors Research and Testing Laboratories. These engines have surpassed all the most
rigid specifications established for an engine that was to be used exclusively in Trucks.
For Torque Horsepower ratings, see the GMC V6 & V12 Engine Data page.
It's short stroke reduces internal friction . . . gives full power with less piston travel.
Result is less engine wear . . . longer engine life.
Peak torque is reached at low r.p.m. and maintained over a wide range of engine speed
for longer sustained power. The toughest jobs are handled in stride.
Oil and fuel consumption is low . . . maintenance and service cost are low . . .
save you money four ways.
It has the highest cooling and lubricating ability of any comparable size engine. This
means greater engine efficiency . . . longer trouble-free service.
Many major parts are interchangeable within all GMC V-6 engines to provide greater
parts availability and standardization.
High mounted camshaft . . . short push rods . . . big, tough, long-lived valves combine to
make an exceptionally rigid, durable valve train. Again . . .
lower cast, longer life, more economy.
Strength where strength counts ! Short, rigid crankshaft . . . massive connecting rods . . .
big, rugged, heavy-duty pistons. Many thousands of miles of dependable service.
Most of the outstanding "BIG" engine features are found in all of GMC's V-6 engines. This power
packed engine, with the time-proved dependability of six-cylinders, plus the advantages of the
V-type design, does your job better with less operating and maintenance expense.
capable of pumping 14 gallons of oil per minute, provides extra circulation at all engine speeds
. . . extra protection and well oiled surfaces on all vital moving parts. Engine is lubricated as
soon as it's started. Cam lobes dip into a built-in reservoir of oil as the camshaft rotates,
preventing cam and valve scuffing - a major reason why this engine gives long, dependable service.
(at 3400 r.p.m.) Are pumped through this engine every minute. With thermostat open, only half the
water goes to the radiator, the other half returns to the pump through a by-pass. This results in
excellent cooling ability. There is less than four degrees variation in water temperature throughout
the engine. This checks the possibility of hot spots. Here's cooling efficiency that is not matched
by any other comparable size engine. Life of pistons, valves, valve guides and spark plugs in much
greater, and the possibility of head-cracking is held safely in check . . . further proof of the
durability and long life that is built into this engine.
is provided by using manifold vacuum to draw fresh air through the engine. Air enters through a
replaceable paper-element breather, travels up through the crankcase to the cylinder head covers,
then through air flow regulating valves directly into an intake port of each head, carrying with it,
into the combustion chamber, harmful sludge-forming fumes and moisture laden air. Bearings and
other precision parts last longer . . . maintenance is less . . . engine life is extended.
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